OzDesigning the User Experience Research: The What, The Why and The When(with a little bit of The How :) )Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
OzEVALUATING USER EXPERIENCESEvaluating user experience is essential to inform certain design and development decisions of products and services. However, it is…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
OzUNDERSTANDING USER EXPERIENCESAlthough user experience is a relevantly recent term coined by Don Norman almost only 20 years ago with an attempt to cover its broad…Feb 4, 2021Feb 4, 2021
Oz3 LEARNINGS FROM A REMOTE DESIGN SPRINT EXPERIENCESince Jake and John baked and served the concept Design Sprint out in the world of complexities, its core principles and mediums derived…Dec 4, 2020Dec 4, 2020
OzTHE ART AND SCIENCE OF MAKING IT HAPPEN BY WOM(A)ENCreating a gender sensitive online platform concept in a weekNov 29, 2020Nov 29, 2020